Donations (Dana)

In the Buddhist tradition and community, the teachings are given freely because they are considered priceless.
We also practice dana (pronounced Donna), or generosity, by making monetary offerings for the teachings.
Dana is not payment for goods or services rendered; it is given from the heart.

Your generosity is a gift that not only supports our Sangha (spiritual group) by helping to pay for rent, special events,
and teachers, but also supports the larger Dharma community, and your own practice.

We use PayPal to manage the donation process. Your generosity can take the form of a one-time contribution,
or a regular monthly donation. You are also welcome to contribute at the weekly Sangha gatherings, or by check
through the mail.

Thank you for your generosity in support of our Sangha. We are a 501c3 charitable organization and your contributions
may be tax deductible.

NEW: We are now in Venmo and can take donations via Venmo. Please make your donation in Venmo to @eugeneinsight
and note that it is for a donatation to Eugene Meditation Community.